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Category: Eyeglasses

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How To Choose Glasses for Kids

A side view of a smiling girl with eyeglasses wearing a yellow backpack.

Glasses aren’t just accessories, they’re essential tools for daily adventures and learning experiences. A good pair can boost a child’s confidence and enhance their vision, impacting everything from academic performance to playground fun. Factors to consider when choosing glasses for kids include: A children’s eye exam can assess a child’s eye health and check for […]

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What Are Prescription Safety Glasses?

A young woman trying prescription glasses at an optic store while being assisted by an optometrist.

If eye protection is essential for you, you are probably already familiar with the importance of wearing safety glasses. But did you know that you can get non-prescription and prescription safety eyewear? Prescription safety glasses are like any other pair of safety glasses. But what sets them apart is that their lenses are customized to […]

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How to Choose Medical Safety Glasses

If you work in the medical field, a standard pair of frames and lenses simply won’t be enough to protect your eyes effectively—especially against COVID-19. For that, you’ll need a pair of high-quality medical safety glasses. Before you can choose the right medical safety glasses, you’ll have to know more about how they differ from regular […]

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