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Lattice Degeneration

A brief guide to lattice degeneration Lattice degeneration is a relatively common condition affecting about 10% of the Canadian population. Don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of it. There are no distinct symptoms associated with lattice degeneration—only if complications arise. A yearly eye exam by one of our optometrists at our three Calgary eye clinics is about the […]

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Bump On Baby’s Eyelid: Treat The Stye On Your Child’s Eyelid

You watch your baby’s face when they sleep—the instinctual sucking motion of their mouth, the micro-expressions, and the tiny twitches of their delicate eyelids. But today you notice a bump on their eyelid, almost like a tiny piece of circular debris got caught on the surface of their eye. It appears almost like a pimple […]

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Refraction Test Explained

What is a refraction test? The human eye is a complicated subject and there are a lot of different components that go into optical health. At Dr. Bishop & Associates, we’re committed to giving our patients the best vision care we possibly can. Part of that care involves regular eye exams that make sure nothing has changed in your eye. […]

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