Myopia Management in Calgary

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Leading the Way in Myopia Management

Dr. Bishop & Associates are fortunate to be one of the few practices worldwide to have access to innovative new products by Johnson & Johnson. 

With several studies being done in Asia, where myopia is considered an epidemic, Johnson & Johnson has developed new myopia management products—and they’re available in select practices in North America. These new specialty contact lenses can slow myopia progression more than other multifocal lenses on the market.  

For exclusive access to these multifocal lenses, please request an appointment. Our doctors are excited to offer a product for myopia management that’s new on the market.

What Is Myopia?

Myopia (also known as nearsightedness) is a common refractive error that causes distant objects to look blurry and out of focus.

In a non-myopic eye, the light hits the eye, bends as it travels through the cornea, and focuses directly on the retina. A myopic eye, however, is too long in comparison to the curve of the cornea, causing light to focus in front of the retina.

What Is Myopia Management?

Cases of childhood myopia tend to get progressively more severe as time goes by. Without the appropriate treatment, a relatively mild case of myopia may eventually result in a heavy prescription by the time the child reaches adulthood.

Myopia management helps slow down myopia progression by reducing the strain associated with regular close work. While it doesn’t cure myopia or remove the need for correction altogether, it may prevent the need for a much stronger prescription later.

Request an appointment to see if myopia progression control is an option for you.

Methods of Myopia Progression Control

As soon as a patient shows signs of myopia, we can begin a management plan. Myopia usually develops around age 5, but Dr. Bishop has seen patients younger than this, so there’s some flexibility as to when we can start addressing myopia.

Apart from the new multifocal lenses from Johnson & Johnson, we may recommend other ways to manage myopia, depending on each patient’s unique needs.

Stellest Spectacle Lenses

Stellest lenses by Essilor use a technology called H.A.L.T, featuring a single-vision zone carrying your child’s prescription and another area to slow myopia progression. A constellation of 2021 lenslets helps act as a shield against eye elongation.

When worn for at least 12 hours a day, Stellest lenses can slow myopia progression by up to 67%.

MiYOSMART lenses by Hoya Vision Care work similarly to single-vision prescription lenses with a zone for helping focus. The difference with MiyoSmart lenses is that they feature a ring-shaped defocus area that specifically helps slow myopia progression, using a technology known as D.I.M.S. 

MiYOSMART lenses are impact resistant, anti-reflective, and come with UV protection to reduce the effect of sunlight on your child’s eyes. MiYOSMART lenses have been shown to slow myopia progression by 60%.

MiSight 1 day contact lenses have been an industry-leading myopia management technique for many years. Now, MiSight spectacle lenses are available for children as young as 6 years old.

MiSight spectacle lenses use Diffusion Optics Technology, which helps scatter light to reduce retinal contrast. After a 2 year study of children wearing MiSight spectacle lenses showed that they slow myopia progression by 59%.

Multifocal contacts offer different corrective powers in different margins of the lens, allowing the wearer to see clearly at all distances. Studies have indicated that these lenses can be incredibly effective for myopia progression control, as they reduce the strain associated with close work.

ACUVUE® Abiliti contact lenses are the first daily wear lenses from Johnson & Johnson Vision specifically designed to slow the progression of myopia in children. These lenses use novel ring focus technology to help preserve your child’s vision while also providing unmatched comfort for all day wear.

ACUVUE’s targeted RingBoost technology focuses light in front of the retina but off the line of sight. This refocusing helps slow myopia progression more effectively by separating the need to provide vision quality myopia control simultaneously. This technique maximizes the strength of the treatment while providing effective vision correction.

MiSight 1 day is the first one-use disposable contact lens proven to slow myopia progression in children. In addition, MiSight 1 day lenses are designed to be easy to use for children who have not previously worn contact lenses before.

MiSight contact lenses are clinically proven to slow myopia progression by an average of 59% over a 3-year period. By providing vision correction and reducing eye elongation that causes myopia, MiSight provides lasting relief and long-term vision improvement.

Studies have shown that bifocal and multifocal eyeglasses can be helpful in managing myopia in children with certain eye-muscle positioning issues. This treatment option can be beneficial for children who prefer not to wear contact lenses or use eye drops. Talk to your optometrist about whether bifocals or multifocals are right for your child.

Atropine eye drops have shown to reduce the progression of myopia in some studies. Applied once a day, these eye drops help to slow the development of myopia. You can use atropine eye drops in tandem with other treatment methods depending on what your optometrist recommends.

Ortho-k or orthokeratology involves using a special kind of rigid contact lenses worn overnight. The lenses gently reshape the corneas while the patient is sleeping. Then, in the morning, the patient takes the ortho-k lenses out and enjoys clear vision at all distances for the entire day.

This treatment is not permanent, and the corneas will slowly revert to their natural shape over time. In addition, because it’s totally reversible, ortho-k doesn’t impact the possibility of laser eye surgery in the future.

Preserve Sight for a Clearer Future

Using myopia management, our skilled optometrists can help prevent significant progression and preserve some of your child’s distance vision. Contact us to learn more about how we’re leading the myopia management movement, and get the support your child needs.

Our Locations

You deserve the highest standard of eye care. Our 4 locations make it easy for you to receive quality eye care, no matter where you live.

Willow Park Village

  • 575 – 10816 Macleod Trail SE
  • Calgary, AB T2J 5N8

Legacy Township

  • 230 – 200 Hartell Way SE
  • Calgary, AB T2X 4S9

Beacon Hill

  • 615 – 11877 Sarcee Trail NW
  • Calgary, AB T3R 1W5

Northgate Village

  • 103 – 495 36 St NE
  • Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

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