Specialty Contacts in Calgary

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What Are Specialty Contacts?

Your visual needs are unique. While one brand of contact lenses might be suitable for your friends or family members, that doesn’t mean it will be the right fit for you.

Custom specialty contacts are made for you and your eye care needs. We measure and assess your eye and visual abilities for better comfort and clearer vision.

Request an appointment for your contact lens exam and fitting today, or view the variety of brands we carry in our online store.

Our Custom Specialty Contacts

We dispense various custom constant lenses for your individual eye care needs. Learn about the types of contacts we carry below.


Orthokeratology (ortho-k), also known as corneal reshaping technology (CRT), uses uniquely formed contact lenses that are to be worn overnight to help reshape the cornea. In the morning, the contacts are removed, and the corneas temporarily retain their new shape and provide clear vision.

Ortho-K lenses are commonly used as a method of myopia progression control.

While standard gas permeable contact lenses only cover the surface of the cornea, scleral lenses also cover a portion of the sclera (the white part of the eyes).

A scleral lens vaults over the cornea, resting on the edges of the sclera, rather than laying directly against the cornea. Since the lens never comes into contact with the cornea, this lens is beneficial for many corneal conditions.

Many patients find scleral lenses to be more comfortable and stable, particularly patients with “hard to fit” eyes, such as with keratoconus or pellucid marginal degeneration.

Scleral contacts are also effective for extreme cases of dry eye. The unique shape acts as a reservoir, holding tears to hydrate the eye.
Insertion and removal: tutorial video.

Contacts wearers typically love the clarity of hard lenses but prefer the comfort of soft lenses. Hybrid contact lenses combine the best of both a rigid gas permeable lens and a soft lens. The rigid centre region offers superior vision, particularly in the case of irregular corneas. The soft outer section (or skirt) provides better comfort and fitting characteristics.

Insertion: tutorial video.

Removal: tutorial video.

Although soft lenses are best known for their comfort, soft lenses are also great for more complicated vision correction. For some patients, options like the NovaKone lenses provide significantly better vision than glasses or regular contacts. There are even soft lenses for those with higher prescriptions (Spherical from +30.00 to -30.00 and astigmatism up to -10.00).

As our eyes age, we experience changes to our visual abilities. Significant changes to our vision tend to occur by our late 40s. One universal eye issue related to aging is difficulty focusing, usually caused by presbyopia. It’s the age when everyone needs reading glasses, even if you’ve had perfect vision all your life.

Age-related changes can complicate things, more so if you already need glasses to correct your distance vision. Multifocal contacts offer multiple corrective powers or prescriptions within different margins of a single lens. With multifocal lenses, you can see clearly at all distances without changing your eyewear.

Contact Us for Your Contacts

Your eyes deserve better than a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, pamper your eyes and expect more for your vision with custom specialty contacts.

Book an appointment with Dr. Bishop & Associates for a contact lens fitting. We’re here to guide you through your contact lens options and help you find your best fit.

Once you’ve found your fit, check out our online store. We carry a variety of specialty lenses.

Our Locations

You deserve the highest standard of eye care. Our 4 locations make it easy for you to receive quality eye care, no matter where you live.

Willow Park Village

  • 412 – 10816 Macleod Trail SE
  • Calgary, AB T2J 5N8

Legacy Township

  • 230 – 200 Hartell Way SE
  • Calgary, AB T2X 4S9

Beacon Hill

  • 610 – 11877 Sarcee Trail NW
  • Calgary, AB T3R 1W5

Northgate Village

  • 103 – 495 36 St NE
  • Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

News & Resources

Vitamins & Supplements for Dry Eyes

Dry Eye

Dry eyes are more than just an occasional annoyance. For those who suffer consistently from this condition, it can be a daily struggle affecting their quality of life.  Fortunately, various vitamins and supplements, such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help improve dry eye symptoms. When combined with home […]

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August 8, 2024
Donald Bishop

What Causes Dry Skin Around The Eyes?

Dry Eye, Eye health

Experiencing dry skin around the eyes can be both uncomfortable and concerning. Many of us have felt that familiar irritation, persistent itching, and unsightly flaking that can make even the simplest tasks feel challenging. Environmental factors are a common cause, but it could indicate a skin condition, such as: Regular eye exams can help identify […]

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August 8, 2024
Donald Bishop

Are Spider Veins Dangerous?

Aesthetics, Beautify @ Dr. Bishop’s

Spider veins—those tiny, web-like patterns visible just underneath the skin—are a common concern for many. Here, we’ll unravel the truth behind spider veins, identify potential risks, and evaluate both natural and clinical ways to address them, helping prepare you to take the proper steps toward skin health and wellness. Spider veins are typically cosmetic in […]

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May 9, 2024
Donald Bishop
A closeup of several vitamins and supplements spilling out of a container

Dry eyes are more than just an occasional annoyance. For those who suffer consistently from this condition, it can be a daily struggle affecting their quality of life.  Fortunately, various vitamins and supplements, such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help improve dry eye symptoms. When combined with home […]

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A concerned middle-aged woman examines dry skin around her eyes in a mirror

Experiencing dry skin around the eyes can be both uncomfortable and concerning. Many of us have felt that familiar irritation, persistent itching, and unsightly flaking that can make even the simplest tasks feel challenging. Environmental factors are a common cause, but it could indicate a skin condition, such as: Regular eye exams can help identify […]

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Close-up of a woman’s face with spider veins

Spider veins—those tiny, web-like patterns visible just underneath the skin—are a common concern for many. Here, we’ll unravel the truth behind spider veins, identify potential risks, and evaluate both natural and clinical ways to address them, helping prepare you to take the proper steps toward skin health and wellness. Spider veins are typically cosmetic in […]

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