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How To Choose Glasses for Kids

A side view of a smiling girl with eyeglasses wearing a yellow backpack.

Glasses aren’t just accessories, they’re essential tools for daily adventures and learning experiences. A good pair can boost a child’s confidence and enhance their vision, impacting everything from academic performance to playground fun. Factors to consider when choosing glasses for kids include: A children’s eye exam can assess a child’s eye health and check for […]

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What Causes Myopia To Worsen?

Close up portrait of girl reviewing eyesight closing eye with hand. Out of focus test chart in background.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition that affects the ability to see distant objects clearly. If you’ve recently noticed that your prescription is changing more frequently, you may be wondering what factors contribute to the worsening of myopia. While this condition is often first diagnosed in childhood, it can continue to progress into […]

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When Can My Children Start Wearing Contact Lenses?

A school-aged child looking down at a contact lens resting on their left index finger.

Glasses help correct vision and allow you to perform daily activities with clarity. But depending on your lifestyle, you may prefer contacts. For instance, contact lenses can provide greater freedom during sports and play. Yet, it’s crucial to consider factors such as safety, hygiene, and a child’s maturity level before making this decision.  It is […]

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Are Spider Veins Dangerous?

Close-up of a woman’s face with spider veins

Spider veins—those tiny, web-like patterns visible just underneath the skin—are a common concern for many. Here, we’ll unravel the truth behind spider veins, identify potential risks, and evaluate both natural and clinical ways to address them, helping prepare you to take the proper steps toward skin health and wellness. Spider veins are typically cosmetic in […]

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How to Get Rid of Frown Lines?

A young woman looking in a mirror and touching wrinkles on her forehead

Manifesting as vertical creases, frown lines subtly hint at our years of emotions. Though they are a sign of expression, some wish to lessen the appearance of frown lines. Ways to get rid of frown lines can include medical-grade skincare, radiofrequency microneedling, skin tightening treatments, and IPL treatment. Aesthetic Treatments for Frown Lines Forma Forma […]

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