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Is Blepharitis Contagious?

A close-up of a man's eye to show blepharitis infection on the eye.

Blepharitis is an eye condition that causes inflamed eyelids. It can be uncomfortable, leading to eyelid swelling, redness, and irritation. It’s a common condition—37% to 50% of people get it at some point in their lives especially in Alberta which is owing to many factors such as the climate and the natural skin flora. But […]

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Pinguecula vs. Pterygium: What’s the Difference?

A close up of an eye with pinguecula.

If you’ve noticed small yellowish growths in your eyes or raised bumps on your eye surface, you may be experiencing a pinguecula or pterygium. It’s vital to understand that while these growths are commonly harmless, monitoring them to ensure they don’t become a problem down the road is essential.  Pingueculas and pterygiums are both non-cancerous, […]

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