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Understanding Myopia Control Contact Lenses

If you have visited your optometrist for an eye exam to check the health of your eyes, they may have noticed signs of myopia. Also known as nearsightedness, myopia can be frustrating if left uncorrected.  Luckily, specific contact lenses have been developed to control the progression of myopia. Keep reading to learn how you can limit the effects and progression of […]

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When Can My Children Start Wearing Contact Lenses?

A school-aged child looking down at a contact lens resting on their left index finger.

Glasses help correct vision and allow you to perform daily activities with clarity. But depending on your lifestyle, you may prefer contacts. For instance, contact lenses can provide greater freedom during sports and play. Yet, it’s crucial to consider factors such as safety, hygiene, and a child’s maturity level before making this decision.  It is […]

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