IPL Treatment

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What Is IPL?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a noninvasive treatment that can help improve various skin conditions and provide relief from dry eye symptoms. At Dr. Bishop & Associates, we now offer the Lumecca-I device for IPL treatments. 

This innovative technology delivers gentle pulses of light to stimulate the production of collagen, help reduce inflammation around the eyes, and improve the function of tear glands. By targeting the underlying causes of dry eye, IPL can provide lasting relief and improve your overall eye health. 

Experience the transformative power of Lumecca-I and say goodbye to dry, irritated eyes. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

How Does IPL Treatment Work?

The Lumecca-I IPL device helps our team reduce inflammation and provide relief for patients dealing with dry eye symptoms like burning eyes by warming the skin near the eye.

During treatment, you may experience a bright flash of light and a snapping sensation on your skin. It’s completely normal to experience some redness and gentle warming on the skin following treatment. This usually fades within an hour.

Benefits of Using IPL to Treat Dry Eye

The Lumecca-I IPL treatment is professionally administered by our experienced eye care team. Following your consultation, we can help prepare a personalized treatment plan to target the root cause of your dry eye issues.

Some benefits of IPL treatment for dry eyes can include:

  • Providing relief from dry eye discomfort
  • Reducing inflammation and promoting healing
  • Stimulating collagen production for improved eye health
  • Targeting the root cause of dry eye to provide long-lasting results
  • A minimal downtime and recovery period
  • Enhancing your overall eye comfort and quality of life

How Long Does IPL Take to Show Results?

While every patient is different, many can notice improvements with 1–2 treatment sessions. Typically, it takes around 4 appointments to achieve the best results from IPL therapy.

If you have severe dry eyes, our team may recommend additional treatments. Results can vary from patient to patient, so our team will discuss how many treatment sessions we recommend based on your eye health.

Begin Your IPL Journey with Us

Lumecca-I IPL is an innovative treatment method that helps our team address your dry eye issues. We are always looking for new ways to help our patients, and through IPL therapy, we can target the root cause of your dry eye discomfort.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today and learn if IPL treatment is right for you.

Our Locations

You deserve the highest standard of eye care. Our 4 locations make it easy for you to receive quality eye care, no matter where you live.

Willow Park Village

  • 575 – 10816 Macleod Trail SE
  • Calgary, AB T2J 5N8

Legacy Township

  • 230 – 200 Hartell Way SE
  • Calgary, AB T2X 4S9

Beacon Hill

  • 615 – 11877 Sarcee Trail NW
  • Calgary, AB T3R 1W5

Northgate Village

  • 103 – 495 36 St NE
  • Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

News & Resources

9 Myths About Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Eye health

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an infection that irritates the surface of the eyeball and the interior of the eyelid. This results in a distinct pink colouration that varies in intensity on a case by case basis, itching, inflammation, and even fever-like warmth on the eyelids. This common infection can seem scary, especially […]

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December 17, 2024
Donald Bishop

Pink Eye vs Stye: How To Tell The Difference

Eye health

If eye redness affects your vision or overall eye health, it’s important to see an eye doctor to identify the underlying condition and its cause. Many people associate symptoms like redness, inflammation, and discomfort with pink eye. However, another condition known as a stye can initially present with similar signs. So, how can you tell […]

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December 17, 2024
Donald Bishop

Safe Eye Drops for Kids

Children’s Vision, Eye health

Eye drops can be a wonderful tool for treating a variety of eye concerns, including infections, allergies, and dry eyes—but not all eye drops are safe for kids. When it comes to growing eyes, choosing delicate, kid-friendly eye drops recommended by an optometrist is the key to success.  Common types of eye drops for kids […]

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December 17, 2024
Donald Bishop

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an infection that irritates the surface of the eyeball and the interior of the eyelid. This results in a distinct pink colouration that varies in intensity on a case by case basis, itching, inflammation, and even fever-like warmth on the eyelids. This common infection can seem scary, especially […]

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A close-up of a boy with irritated, red eyes.

If eye redness affects your vision or overall eye health, it’s important to see an eye doctor to identify the underlying condition and its cause. Many people associate symptoms like redness, inflammation, and discomfort with pink eye. However, another condition known as a stye can initially present with similar signs. So, how can you tell […]

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A parent putting eyedrops for their daughter while helping her keep her eye open while adding the drops.

Eye drops can be a wonderful tool for treating a variety of eye concerns, including infections, allergies, and dry eyes—but not all eye drops are safe for kids. When it comes to growing eyes, choosing delicate, kid-friendly eye drops recommended by an optometrist is the key to success.  Common types of eye drops for kids […]

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