Emergency Eye Care in Calgary

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Emergency Eye Care

Eye emergencies can put your sight at risk. Your eyes are sensitive to injury, irritants, and sudden health changes. If you notice symptoms, it’s time to call for help.

When an emergency occurs, your first instinct might be to call an ambulance or visit emergency care. For life-threatening injuries, emergency healthcare should be your first call.

In most eye emergency cases, you can come to us for urgent eye care. We can diagnose and treat many eye emergencies or injuries.   

Contact us for an emergency eye care appointment.

What Causes an Eye Emergency?

Eye emergencies can result from eye injury, chemical exposure, eye disease, or sudden health changes. 

Foreign Body

Most smaller foreign bodies won’t cause an eye emergency. Eyelashes, hair, and dust particles are examples of foreign bodies that typically resolve on their own.

Unfortunately, a stuck contact lens or sharp grains of sand can scratch the surface of the eye. A scratch can heal on its own, but you may need eye drops to prevent infection. You should also book an appointment to check how much damage was done.

Larger and sharper objects can cause significant damage. Never attempt to remove a larger foreign object yourself. Instead, a health professional must remove the object to reduce the risk of further injury.

Blunt trauma can be any injury resulting from a force directed at your eye or surrounding area. The most well-known symptom of a blow to the eye is a black eye, but blunt trauma can cause more than ugly bruising.

Symptoms of blunt eye trauma may include:

It can be tempting to sleep it off or wait before seeking medical attention, but it’s crucial to visit a medical professional after experiencing an injury or blunt trauma. If you experience any symptoms, no matter how minor, you should consult a medical professional or book an appointment with your eye doctor.

Although many eye diseases and conditions develop slowly, changes in your eye health can develop as eye disease progresses. Sudden changes or symptoms are a medical emergency.

Contact emergency care immediately or call us to book an emergency appointment if you experience any of the following eye emergency symptoms:

  • Eye pain
  • Redness
  • Bleeding
  • Discharge
  • Vision loss
  • Blurry vision
  • Bulging eye
  • Double vision
  • Bruising around eye
  • Sudden light sensitivity
  • Burning or stinging
  • Pupils that are different sizes
  • Irritation or severe itchiness
  • Eyes not moving together
  • New or severe headaches

Chemical exposure or a chemical burn is when a foreign substance or chemical enters the eye. You don’t need to be in a lab or a construction site for chemical exposure. Cleaning products, hand sanitizers, and kitchen ingredients are all common chemical irritants.

Common symptoms of chemical burns are:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Blurry vision
  • Watery eyes
  • Inability to keep eye open
  • Swelling (eye tissue or eyelids)
  • Feeling something in the eye

If you’re exposed to a chemical irritant, you should flush your eye immediately. Then, call for help, either by booking an emergency eye appointment or making arrangements for emergency care.

Even if you successfully flush the chemical irritant from your eye, you should still visit your optometrist to assess your eye health. Some chemicals are more difficult to remove and can have longer effects. An eye exam after an emergency is crucial to protecting your eyes and vision.

Contact Us for Eye Emergencies

Call us immediately if you experience an eye injury or sudden vision change. We will do our best to accommodate you and walk you through the next steps.

Our Locations

You deserve the highest standard of eye care. Our 4 locations make it easy for you to receive quality eye care, no matter where you live.

Willow Park Village

  • 575 – 10816 Macleod Trail SE
  • Calgary, AB T2J 5N8

Legacy Township

  • 230 – 200 Hartell Way SE
  • Calgary, AB T2X 4S9

Beacon Hill

  • 615 – 11877 Sarcee Trail NW
  • Calgary, AB T3R 1W5

Northgate Village

  • 103 – 495 36 St NE
  • Calgary, AB T2A 6K3

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